Reiki Way of living
The Reiki Principles
Just for today, I will not worry
Just for today, I will not be angry
Just for today, I will be grateful
Just for today, I will do my work with honesty
Just for today, I will be kind to myself and every living thing
Reiki first was introduced as a “Way of Living” by its founder Dr. Mikao Usui. The official name of Usui Sensei’s method in Japanese was Shin-Shin Kaizen, which means “Improvement of Mind and Body”. During treating people, Dr. Usui realized that the way people think and behave towards their life has a direct connection with how long they stay healthy physically and mentally after their Reiki treatments. So Usui Sensei created Gokai, the Five Precepts or Five Principles as a simple yet practical guideline that his clients can easily follow and help them maintain the health of their mind and body once their Reiki treatment is done. The connection that Dr. Usui made 100 years ago between mind and body is truly remarkable.
Later on, Dr. Usui recommended Gokai to everyone, be it the recipient, the Reiki practitioner or anyone else. Since Gokai is simply addressing the basic requirements of how to be happy in our daily life, everyone can relate to it and benefit from it. As humans, we cannot expect to be perfect all the time, so each precept starts with “Just for today” to remind us that with no pressure and not holding a big promise that cannot be kept, and just by focusing on the moment we are in, we can be mindful of ourselves and little by little make changes that can improve our daily life; and if we slip today, we can always try it again tomorrow. In addition, because Gokai is not complicated and non-judgmental, it can easily lead us to a mindset that could positively affect our physical health and make us a happier and healthier person.
Usui Sensei advised to recite the Gokai aloud twice daily with joined hands in prayer position and focusing deeply in the heart. Affirming them aloud makes us hear it with more focus and holding our hands in the prayer position would help us say it more truthfully. Practicing them daily will eventually engrave them to our subconscious mind until they become part of who we are; an emotionally balanced person with a healthy body and a clear mind.
Gokai is reclaiming our power when there is a possibility of losing it
Difficulties and dealing with negative situations are certain parts of our lives, but the way we respond to them is where our power exists. Worry weakens us and causes stress and anxiety, which leads us to an imbalanced mind and unhealthy body, as well as blockages in the root chakra. By trusting the Universe and accepting that doing our best is enough and regardless of the outcome we always get what we need would help us overcome being worried.
Just for today, I will not be angry
Being angry is losing our power to what triggers us. When we control our reactions to the cause of our anger, we don’t let our energy be stolen from us. Additionally, anger can cause stomach and digestive disorders. Anger is a choice response and eliminating this destructive emotion is choosing to live a healthier life.
Just for today, I will be grateful
Counting our blessings is the easiest way to hold ourselves in the blissful state. This is where magic happens and we feel fulfilled and happy. We naturally born with the Universe’s love and support and Life always gives us what we need. It may not be what we want, but definitely what we can grow from. Complaining about life and what we cannot change is in fact wasting our life energy and losing the opportunities that can help us discover what fulfill us.
Just for today, I will do my work with honesty
Knowing our potential and doing what we meant to do is the core of living a fulfilling life. Being responsible and taking charge for our actions along with not holding ourselves back are counted as working honesty.
Just for today, I will be kind to myself and every living thing
Honoring ourselves with the love we hold in our heart is essential for our well-being and is the foundation of kindness and compassion that connects us to each other and the world we live in.
Gokai brings peace to our heart. By being peaceful, we contributing to the peace of everyone around us and even the peace in the world.